Alic Barandica

FullStack Developer - FrontEnd Developer

"We are what repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit"

About me

Hello! 👋🏾 I'm Alic Barandica, a full-stack developer.

💻 In an era where technology is fundamental and information is vast, I made the decision to become a self-taught programmer. I believe it's the best way to learn, selecting the most in-demand software such as JavaScript, Typescript, React Js, Node Js, Express Js, Sequelize, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap, Git, CSS, HTML for building web pages and apps.

📈 Since discovering my passion for web development, I enjoy my life even more. I love learning new tools and ways to solve problems, and I have a great ability to adapt to changes, which is important in a world that moves so fast.

My main objective is to develop my professional career in a company that values both my soft skills and technical abilities. I want to work in a healthy environment where I can grow as a professional and as a person, while adding value to my team.
